Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday Morning Sentimonies: Welcoming the Enemy

Its not often that the hiring of a running backs coach will be big news. For the older readers amongst you we might call that page 4 news. For the younger crowd who have no concept of newspapers I had to ask my son to give me a relevant comparison. He came up with “It is definitely not sigma”. He also shook his head at me for my lame attempts at connecting with a younger audience. 

Anyway, the Riders’ choice of RB coach was front page, trending, etc… Longtime Rider enemy Andrew Harris now an employee. You might remember Andrew Harris from such things as being a hated member of the Bombers for 5 years, ripping a Rider player’s helmet off and not getting penalized, and being suspended for a failed drug test. This wasn’t just a “we don’t like him because he’s good and beats us” scenario. That was definitely part of it but there was some general hatred above and beyond that and I’m sure it went both ways. So its certainly weird to see Harris in Green and White.

That said, I think it’s a great hire. He’s one of the best to ever do it and he’s proven winner at ever step of his football career. That’s the kind of people we want leading our team. When the hiring was announced some people commented that Rider fans must be scrubbing their timelines of all the awful things they said. Not me. I’m doubling down. Being a Rider doesn’t absolve him from my snarky commentary. In fact, I will go so far as to allege that Harris is only here as part of his ongoing investigation into who tainted his supplement. He’s going undercover to find the evidence he needs to finally prove the Riders did it. OJ never finished his investigation, but Harris just may. 

On the player front, the Riders have been keeping steadily busy as free agency approaches:

-        On the negative side, we released Ajou squared so he could sign with the Indy Colts. Great opportunity for him and I hope he crushes it but another loss for us.

-        Can you recall the last time that two Rider rookies got NFL looks? Our scouting is bringing in talent. Also, the success of Reid and Ajou should further help our scouts sell other players on trying their luck here.

-        On a more positive note, we re-signed Trevon Tate. I was honestly not expecting much when we signed a Stampeder castoff midseason. But Tate was very solid to the point that despite losing Reid, I feel OK with Tate and Hardrick on the tackles. After bouncing around most of the East Division in addition to the Stampeders, Tate may have finally found place where he fits perfectly. We’ve certainly come a long way from the days of Na’ty Rogers.

-        Speaking of Hardrick both he and Ouelette had their contracts reworked this past week. I imagine it resulted in a reduction (though likely a small one) or a shifting of guaranteed money to incentives. Either way I think it’s positive that both opted to stay. I believe both had an impact on the culture in the locker room that goes far beyond what the stat sheet would tell you.

-        On a less positive note, Nelson Lokombo was extended. Look, I get why. We need Canadian depth and he is a starter… in theory. Now you can choose to side with Coach Mace on this. He is a noted defensive genius who is actually employed in the business of football at a pro level. He obviously sees something in Lokombo and believes he will continue to improve. Of you can side with the guy making smart ass commentary from his couch while hiding behind a robe and beard. I think Lokombo may have his uses in run stopping but in the pass defense he’s always late and stress inducing… so much so that my new nickname for him is Unplanned Pregnancy. I guess my hope now is that we find someone better who can win the starting job in camp and move him to a back-up.

-        Is it wrong that I would OK with Harris giving Lokombo some “nutritional” coaching?

Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Morning Sentimonies: Ins and Outs

Nothing unites CFL fans more than complaining. Refs, video review, Grey Cup halftime show. The specifics of the complaints may differ from person to person, but we are united in voicing displeasure. The most recent uniting force was the schedule. Essentially from the minute the Bombers finished their annual Grey Cup choke up until the schedule release late last week fans we’re united in their complaints about a lack of a schedule. And we enjoyed a brief moment of happiness before immediately starting to complain about the schedule itself. CFL fans… we’re only happy when we are miserable. 

Actually from a Rider perspective the schedule was great news and should not garner much in the way of complaints. Evenly spaced bye weeks, next to no short weeks. Clearly the CFL owed us one after all those Thursday road games against teams coming off byes. I give the schedule a thumbs up. 

Moving on to free agency… 

With less than a month to go before free agency opens, time is starting to run short to re-sign our pending FAs. With that in mind, today I present 5 Ins (guys I think we should be re-signing) and 5 outs (guys that either I wouldn’t re-sign, or I would not be surprised for us to let walk). 


1.     Peter Godber -  given how our OL fared without him it may be tempting to think we could let him walk. Wrong! O-line depth is paramount. Godber is a rock in the center of that OL I want him and Ferland locking down that interior longterm.

2.     Micah Johnson – Old man Micah still gets it done! Despite his age he his coming off his best season ever as a Rider. He’s a leader. He’s still an impact player. He hasn’t missed a game in 2 seasons.

3.     Miles Brown – As much as I love Micah, we need some youth at the D Tackle too. Brown is 27. Aside from that unfortunate run of bad luck that turned him into a notorious QB crippler, Brown has been doing really positive things over the past few seasons.

4.     Adam Auclair – Gotta have Canadians, especially ones that can start. I still think our preference to have him as a rotation guy but he is good enough to start if needed.

5.     Marcus Sayles – He was the only non-Milligan part of our secondary that wasn’t awful last season. After BC mysteriously deemed him expendable he came here and tied a career high with 4 INTs. Be nice not to have 4 question marks in our starting secondary heading into the season.


1.     Philip Blake - I’ll start with an easy one. At 39 years of age, Blake has managed to be on the field for 8 games over his 2 seasons in Saskatchewan. We desperately needed OL help when we signed him but we are in a much better place and if he plays another season (big if), it won’t be here.

2.     Anthony Lanier – This one hurts me a bit. I have always been a big Lanier fan. He can be among the most disruptive forces in the league. The issue is that we have been paying him accordingly but that force is very intermittent. He has never played more than 14 games in a season. With the rise of younger cheaper guys like Brown and Sanders, I just don’t see us being willing to pay him what it will take to retain him. I would love to keep him if he’s willing to take a big discount to do it. But if I am looking at places to save money, he’s at the top of the list.

3.     Mario Alford – Another one that hurts. I love Alford. He’s the best returner I’ve seen since Corey Holmes. And arguably one of the best ever in the franchise history. But how long do you continue to pay a 34 year old guy who does nothing but return?

4.     Nelson Lokombo – This one is me being wishful not me thinking its likely. I bet we keep him… but I cannot think of many reasons why we would want to. I have not seen a less impactful safety in my times watching the Riders and I lived through the Scott Gordon era.

5.     Amari Henderson – Henderson is a frustrating player. He makes enough plays that you don’t want to bench him. But he screws up enough plays that you regret starting him. Early on I was willing to give him more time to develop. But after 3 seasons I think we have seen his ceiling. I’ll give him this, if I ever needed a DB to shut down a WR screen that’s his jam. He just struggles when receivers run routes longer than 2 yards.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday Morning Sentimonies: Signings

The official story behind these sentimonies being a day late is that based on my prophetic powers I knew big Riders news was coming today so I waited. I will take no questions on the matter.

I was very glad for some good Rider news on Monday because, as a Vikings fan, the rest of the day was the equivalent of a boxer doing speed bag drills on your crotch. I mean I had been bracing myself for this all week. The only thing lower than my confidence in Sam Darnold was evidently Sam Darnold’s confidence. It was just further reminder that I have the absolute worst decision making when it comes to choosing sports teams. If you are a fan of a sport other than football or hockey and would like me to curse a rival of your favourite team by pledging my allegiance to them, we can work out a deal. 

But enough about my sports-related miseries, let’s talk Rider football.


-        Biggest news was re-signing Jameer Thurman. The cherry on top was him committing for 2 years. He was an absolute must re-signing. The best defenses always have a rock solid middle linebacker. Thurman is that guy.

-        Malik Carney was another welcome re-signing. The fanfare around this one isn’t near as loud as for Thurman but Carney is a decent guy to have in the DE rotation. More importantly up until he re-signed, we had essentially Colonel Sanders as the only notable American DL under contract.

-        Thurman and Carney both help bring continuity to the defense. Our front 7 were fine last year so we don’t need to tear it down and start again.

-         The other signing of note was Jake Maier. I explained last week why I like the addition of Maier. To the people lamenting that we only signed him to a one year deal, consider that this is the absolute lowest Maier’s value will ever be. Why on earth would he agree to a multi-year deal when his value can only go up? Guarantee we wanted a 2 year deal but if he had agreed to that I would have started questioning his decision making abilities in general.

-        A signing that won’t get any fanfare but should is AJ Allen. Were it not for the fact that Milligan stole all the attention, people would have taken more note of how good Allen is on teams. And more and more he can contribute on defense. Underrated but important guy to keep around.

-        The bad news was of course that Trevor Reid got an NFL shot with the Vikes. Given that Darnold was sacked 12 times as I drafted this, Reid can’t get on the field soon enough there. Reid is a big loss but with guys like Brammer and Hardrick under contract we at least aren’t immediately screwed as we would have been in previous years.

-        We did sign Brandon Kemp to help start building the competition in camp at OT.

-        The CFL schedule is still not out making it the second most delayed thing next to Sam Darnold’s decision making when under pressure.

-        I could solve the schedule issue in less than an hour. Present a draft schedule to the owners and then say that if you want to propose a change to the schedule it will cost you $100,000 paid to each team impacted. Their cheapness will override their unwillingness to compromise and voila.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday Morning Sentimonies: Welcome to 2025

Happy New Year. Before I get to football I want to take a moment to recognize that 2025 marks the 18th year of the Rider Prophet. This blog is now old enough to smoke, gamble and jump across provincial borders to drink. If you are curious what the world was like in 2007 when this blog launched, it was the year the iPad was introduced. At the opposite end of the technology success spectrum it was when Windows Vista was launched. It also marked the final time Bob Barker hosted Price is Right. Over these past 18 years, we’ve been through at least 4 general managers, 8 head coaches, 24 starting QBs and more bottles of Wisers than I care to know the exact number of. No matter how long you have been a part of this crazy ride I thank you. If people didn’t read my sentimonies I would very easily descend into Old Man Yells at Cloud territory. I am targeting the Kevin Glenn template for my career. Am I the best? No. But as long as I do above average for longer than anyone else they will have to reluctantly include me in the conversation of the all-time greats.

With that sentimental drivel out of the way, let’s talk some Riders. 

The big new (and also so obvious that even a CFL official couldn’t miss getting the call right) was the trade for Jake Maier. I don’t understand how some people don’t see this as a positive. I get it, Maier lost his job as a starter. But a) everything about Calgary was brutal. Maier was definitely a part of it but there is no way its all on him. Put better talent and coaching around him and we may start to see the guy the earned a starter spot in the first place. And b) we don’t need him to be a starter. We need someone reliable to step in when old man Harris gets hurt. Maier is more experienced and as much I didn’t mind Patterson, he’s a surer thing than Patterson. We needed QB depth, of the options available Maier was our best move. That said, we’d all be happiest if his only contribution this season was effective clipboard holding.

A few Riders have garnered some NFL interest. Tryouts have been held for Ajou Ajou (Colts, Steelers), Trevor Reid (Colts, Bengals, Vikings), AJ Allen (Broncos) and Logan Ferland (Broncos). Remains to be seen if any of those translate into contract offers. Of that group Reid would be the biggest potential loss.

With the exception of JC Sherritt it seems the Riders’ coaching staff we be largely remaining in tact for 2025. Stability like that is very important, particularly at OC. Our recent history includes transitions from the McAdoo offense (if you can call it that), to the Maas offense, to whatever it is that Kelly Jeffries did. In fact, 2025 is poised to be only the second time since 2016 that we have the same OC/QB combination in back to back seasons.

Now that the fiscal year has rolled over we should start to see some more re-signings in advance of free agency in February. Topping my wish list (in order of preference) are Jameer Thurman, Peter Godber, Bryan Cox, Micah Johnson, Miles Brown, Adam Auclair, Malik Carney and Marcus Sayles.

Here’s to a prosperous and successful 2025, for you and for the Riders.