Friday, September 27, 2024

Riders vs. RedBlacks: No Ties

Now that we’ve got that pesky “can’t win after Labour Day” thing off our backs it time to tackle the next challenge… winning at home. You see dedicated fans like you and I have not witnessed a home victory after Labour Day since 2021. That is a lot of bad football, often in the not greatest weather to endure just to see us lose, while getting gouged at the concessions. Can’t imagine why attendance has slipped.

Our chance to get back to winning at Mosaic comes in the form of the 8-5-1 RedBlacks. You might remember them from our last encounter when the command centre famously intervened when no one wanted them to and forced an outcome no one liked. The RedBlacks started the season strong but are 1-3 in their past 4.  Jeremiah Masoli gets the start and there’s no way that the announcers don’t beat the “Masoli’s first game in Saskatchewan since Marino” angle to death.

Just on that… Lord I hope Miles Brown doesn’t inadvertently end up injury Masoli like seemingly every other QB he faces. Collaros was on him but Dru Brown and Streveler he was a victim of circumstance. Miles Brown is nothing like Marino (I mean he may also have a black girlfriend but that hardly seems like a relevant detail to anyone not named Craig) but if something happens, no matter how innocent, we will never hear the end of it. Maybe put Brown at safety just to be safe. I imagine he will not be any less impactful than Lokombo there.

Let’s start on offense. We are getting out first glimmer of good news on the “every starting OL we have is on the 6 game front”. Looks like Brammer will be back. There will be one focus in this on both sides. Armstead can say all the right things in the media but I don’t believe for a second that he doesn’t want to run it down Ottawa’s throat and give the DX crotch chop to Dyce (hoping he resists the urge to do the second, or is at least subtle about it). Conversely Ottawa will clearly want to shut him down. Regardless, until I see any kind of evidence that is does not work, keep feeding that man the ball. I don’t expect another 200 out of him but I would like to see 20 more touches. With so much focus on him, there will be opportunities for big plays with play action. Baker and Johnson have been our best receivers of late so lean on them. I also think this is a game where you could fake the hand off and do a short dump to Bane quite effectively. Keys are maintain a balanced attack and don’t turn the ball over. Ottawa lost Pickett for the year which is a big blow.

Defensively we get out best player back in Milligan (thank you eight-pound, six-ounce, newborn infant Jesus, who doesn't even know a word yet—little infant, so cuddly but still omnipotent.) Looks like we will get Lanier back as well which will be a big addition up front. As mentioned, Jeremiah Masoli starts. He’s not as turnover prone as Brown and not as generally bad at anything but running as Crum. He’s a veteran who stays calm and can get the ball to his playmakers. But this is not a very good Ottawa offense overall. 3rd last in points, 7th in rushing most giveaways of any team in the CFL. They have dangerous receivers in Hardy, Rhymes and now a returning Pimpleton. Unlike Calgary our DBs can’t rely on the WRs just dropping everything. They are going to need to make some plays. I also expect that with all the hype around Armstead that Ottawa’s new RB Laborn will want to show why they deemed Armstead expendable. I like our chances of limiting the run. But we’re going to be allowing pass yards. The key will be holding them to FGs instead of TDs and forcing a couple turnovers.

One other thing that could play a factor in this is discipline. Ottawa is the most penalized team in the league. After a penalty-filled start to the year we have settled to about middle of the pack in that regard. I could see emotions running hot in this one on both sides. Whichever side can avoid the costly penalties that come from losing your cool will get a big advantage.

There’s two ways of looking at this… we only beat a really bad Calgary team by one score so we are in trouble with mildly competent competition. Or… the Calgary game was just the first step in an upward swing. I honestly don’t know where I land on that one. I don’t think we are a bad team. But I’m also under no illusions that we don’t have some glaring weaknesses.

I think this is an evenly matched team that I am tilting in our favour for 3 reasons. 1) Trevor Harris the best QB in this matchup. 2) We are playing at home. 3) Probably should have just said 2 reasons. I apparently don’t have a 3rd. Just another example of the high standard or literary and journalistic skill you’ve come to expect in this space. 

It’s gonna take some ridiculous 4th quarter come from behind drama but I think we win

Riders by a late 4th Q Harris TD. 

Given that I picked us to lose last week I was very tempted to do the same this week just to be safe. So if we lose you can probably blame me… you know in addition to most likely blaming the refs again.



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