Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday Morning Sentimonies: Same Old

Riders 21 – Bombers 26

Someone asked me yesterday what was more frustrating: last year when we were clearly a bad team and got blown out? Or this year when we are competitive in every single game but couldn’t win a game if you gave us the ball, the lead and 30 seconds on the clock? I honestly don’t know the answer but am almost leaning to this year. At least last year we knew we were just letting things burn to the ground before blowing it up in the offseason. This year… we are the equivalent having a nice sports car but it has a manual transmission and we are watching our teenage nephew struggle to have any clue how to get it into gear. 

Honestly we played better than expected. We didn’t embarrass ourselves or give up 50. We tried really hard to embarrass ourselves, managing to give up a blocked punt and INT within the first 5 minutes but we recovered. We were competitive… but still lost. But really, at no point in that game did it feel like we the aggressor. Yet again we just played chase. 

I’m not going to do a full breakdown but here are a few of my thoughts on the game:

-        I know he’s still learning and will grow into a solid OC over time, but after a hot start, the shine is starting to come off Marc Mueller a bit. He can coordinate a pass game but the run seems to be an afterthought. Week after week Frankie Hickson is our most reliable player on the field. Week after week he gets an insanely low number of carries. Just 9 total despite averaging 5 yards per carry. He touched the ball just once in the 3rd quarter and 5 times total in the second half. I don’t know if you saw what he did in the 4th when we actually fed him the ball, but maybe we could use a little more of that.

-        Also find Mueller gets too cute sometimes. I don’t mind the design on that shovel pass to Baker. I absolutely hate the timing of that call.

-        The stat line will show that the O-line gave up zero sacks and to be honest anything above utter embarrassment with the quality of the players we were starting is a win (so hats off to our OL coach who is earning every dime he makes this season), but the reality is that Harris bailed them out with quick throws. Sometime he made his decisions so quickly that he made the wrong read, but the lack of sacks are more a product of Harris than the OL. The Winnipeg pass rush was disruptive.

-        Defense followed the same script as last week. Start hot with a sack from Cox and then disappear. For the longest time I felt I was watching the same play on loop. We would stunt our D-line and Collaros would effortlessly throw over them to a wide open Olivera for a easy first down. Given that we’ve seen that play a million times you’d think we’d be prepared by maybe having someone spy him but we looked dumbfounded for half the game every time they ran it.

-        If you believe Miles Brown is a dirty player then you clearly aren’t watching the actual plays. In a plunge situation, Brown got low and attacked the point where 9 time out of 10 Streveler would be. He did his job. On top of that the O-lineman blocked him and took him down. So unless Brown suddenly develops the ability to defy gravity, momentum and the 300 pound man taking him to the ground, how was he supposed to end up anywhere but where he did. His arm hit above the knee. Last week’s hit on Collaros was a bad one and he was rightly flagged and fined. But this one?

-        Even Brady Olivera (noted for his strong pro-Rider bias) did not think it was a dirty play. Unfortunate? Yes. You never want to see players get hurt. But dirty? Not a chance.

-    Our games are coming down to 2-3 plays. Early in the season, we were making those plays. But over the past 2 months, when we absolutely need to a play, whether its on offense or defense, we just can't.

We mercifully get a bye week now and then Calgary in 2 weeks. This is it, this is the season. If can’t get our lives figured out over a bye week and against the only team in our division that is struggling like us then we are not winning another game this season. It’s the sad reality. It’s now or never. 

I’ll end on a bit of a lighter note, since we could use it amid this misery...

During the game as I again watched the continuing trend of Harris hitting receivers in the hands only to have them drop it, I tweeted a picture of out the famous Giselle Bundchen quote “My husband cannot throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time” and said “Trevor Harris’ wife”. The picture I tweeted had Giselle’s picture and attributed the quote to her by name. Some of you got my humour. But people (not a person but multiple people) legitimately thought it was a quote from Mrs. Harris and questioned why I would post that. It was getting to the point where I envisioned Mrs. Harris having to hold a press conference to clarify that she never said that. All because people think the stuff some idiot in a robe posts on twitter is anything more than poor attempts at humour. It almost turned into a Luca Congi’s girlfriend level incident.


Anonymous said...

Hickson has quickly established himself as our BEST offensive player. Feed the bear and use the guy. The secondary actually played OK for once on saturday

Dan said...

Thank you for writing something that is appropriately concerned about the rest of the season without the slash our wrists, life is over vision that is playing out on I need something, somewhere to read about the team that is beyond doom and gloom. You have hit the right balance here.

Anonymous said...

If Brown isn't a dirty player then Rider fans need to stop whining about Bighill since he is definitely not a dirty player... apparently rider fans want to have their cake and eat it too 🤣🤣

Gmongus said...

I will say it!! The Great Grandson of Ronnie Lancaster is waaayyy over his head as Offensive Coordinator of the Saskatchewan Roughriders.. Marc Mueller was not a good Coordinator in Calgary and was replaced last season because of it! I've been questioning the reasoning for why he was hired as the Riders O Coordinator and I'm starting to firmly believe it was because he is related to #23 and Oh boy the shine has certainly come off the kid, and he will get roasted in Ridernation should he continue to disappoint as Offensive Coordinator.. Yes both Mueller and Mace are Rookies when it comes to their jobs on the Riders and they will certainly get a pass this season, BUT next season will be either make or break for these two!

Anonymous said...

I really think the Riders are close to getting things together. It’s going to take some actual play scripting and tempo variations and a few gambles to ignite a very boring offense that doesn’t scare any defense atm. First down production is proof. Also, time of possession is awful. The defense is actually doing ok.
Special teams has been dismal the last 6 games. I’m hoping we get more action out of our safety spot. And a fresh body on the d line could help. Please use the running back and fullbacks.

Rider Prophet said...

Anon 1 - Secondary was not awful... which is a step up. Really could have used a turnover from them.

Dan - Appreciate it. As bad as this losing streak is (and it sucks) we are very close. So its not the same depression as last year. It will turn into that if we can't turn it around soon though.

Anon 2 - I usually have more patience for posters like you, but not today. Simply put, you are an idiot. At no point anywhere have I said Bighill is a dirty player. Whining about things I didn't say make is a whole new level of whiny.

Gmongus - Mueller is close. Early in the season I loved his game plans. But opposing DC's adjusted and now he needs to as well. I think he can get there but there will be growing pains with a young coach.

Anon 3 - "Close" is the word. We are so close. Hopefully some rest over the bye week can leave a refreshed because at some point "close" stops being reason for hope and just becomes "not winning".