Friday, August 16, 2024

Riders vs. Alouettes: Le Retour

Ever since the end of the 2022 season people have been eagerly anticipating the Harris vs. Fajardo return match-up. In the two years since we have got Fine/Dolegala vs. Evans; Patterson vs. Evans/Alexander and now Harris vs. Alexander. So maybe not the storybook match-up people had envisioned but it’s a Friday night tilt between the top teams in their respective divisions. No reason not to get amped up for this. 

The big news is the return of Trevor Harris after a 6 game absence. Patterson did well under the circumstances going 2-3-1. We would have been elated if a back-up QB in past couple years could have done that well. But Harris is back and that will definitely boost our offense. Just how much you might ask? Well Patterson’s drive’s have ended in TD 13% of the time. In Harris’ time as starter 23% of his drives went for majors. So it’s like the difference between PC Cola and Jolt Cola (remember Jolt?)

So let’s start on offense. Harris makes our offense far more potent but we are still playing the stingiest defense in the CFL (allowing less that 19 offensive points per game). They are second only to us in takeaways. They are loaded with playmakers. But Mueller figured out how to move the ball on them last time we played, and with an inferior QB at his disposal. For all their strengths, the Als struggle to stop the run. (See Hickson, Frankie). They are 7th against the run. Again, let’s not over think this. Ouelette is fresh and raring to go. Turn the man loose! You also need to be patient and take what the Als give you. They have allowed just 4 pass plays over 30 yards this season. I think that suits Harris’ strengths well. He can make quick reads and get the ball out to his playmakers. In the first 3 games, it was Bane and Sterns who Harris leaned on. Bane is still there but Sterns has been benched in favour of Meyers (something I predicted in the preseason). I just hope our receivers catch better for Harris than they did for Patterson. Slow methodical dives with a heavy dose of running is our best plan of attack. 

Defensively we get the benefit of actually studying game film on the QB we are facing. Alexander caught us by surprise last time. With the benefit of experience and film I expect Mace to be prepared. Alexander is still a good QB. Philpot is out which is a major hit but receivers like Rambo and White can be dangerous. Same as last time we played the Als, priority 1 is shutting down Fletcher, both running and in the quick pass game. We were up to the task before. We should be again. Last game we tried blitzing Alexander a lot and it didn’t work. He gets the ball out quick and the blitz simplifies his reads. I would play a lot more coverage and force him to read the D. 

Last time we played them, we were on the road, with a back-up QB on a short week and had them on the ropes until we fell apart in the second half. Even a small semblance of offense in the final 30 and we win. Now, we are at home, with our starting QB and film on their QB. I don’t think it will be easy but this is definitely a winnable game. Minus that anomaly against Edmonton, our defense has been dominant. We held Montreal to 20 points and only 1 other team has managed that. If Harris can give us any kind of offensive spark then we should be able to go toe to toe with the best team in the CFL. Edge to the home team in this one. Win it for the sheep. 

Riders by a Lauther FG


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the excellent read. The touchdown drive ratio is interesting. Having Trevor back should help sustain drives a bit better and allow for the oline to click a bit better. Trevor won’t force passes either. If the Riders stop the run and force Alexander to have to read coverages? It could be a long day for the als . I would definately like to see the young kid antsy and tonite should be the night.

Dan said...

Sorry Prophet….i think your pick of Lauther to win it with a field goal was too much pressure for Lauther to handle. Complete implosion by our kicker. Of course, the command centre had a hand in our loss as well….as is their job, I think??

Rider Prophet said...

Well... I mean technically a Lauther FG did decide the game. Complete implosion is correct.

I keep saying there is no officiating conspiracy against the Riders, and evidence to contrary keeps popping up.