Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Round-Up: Rookie Camp

Rookie camp opened yesterday and closed today. New recruits had 3 workouts totaling a little over 6 total hours to show their talent. Which is such a narrow window of opportunity that an anorexic would have trouble fitting through. The good news is that other than a couple early casualties there is enough room on the roster for pretty much everyone in main camp. Of course odds are probably good of a couple players being “cut” in order to meet our roster maximums of 75 players plus non-counters (draft picks, juniors and 2 undrafted Canadians) but them not leave town and miraculously reappear later in camp.

Unfortunately for the first time in many years, I wasn’t able to get down and take in some of rookie camp. Evidently my written request to the Riders to schedule the location and time of workouts around my needs was not approved. Anywho, even though I didn’t make it down to rookie camp I have been following it pretty closely and here and a few random thoughts:

-       Early word is Colt Brennan is struggling. I called this one well before camp. Better take in the preseason games because it will be your only chance to see Brennan as a Rider.
-       All four of our draft picks signed including Ismael Bamba who ended the ill advised 6th round pick holdout strategy. I can’t believe that didn’t work out for him.
-       Justin Harper has been the talk of rookie camp. I’m excited about his size and promise but will reserve my excitement until he is facing off against non-rookies
-       The good news is that Odell Willis did indeed get across the border and is here in town.
-       The even better news is that the inhouse Rider AA group keeps growing. Recently signed DB Karl Paymah also has a DUI. I guess the Riders’ philosophy is that if they have to pay for one guy to get chauffeured they might as well just rent a bus and get a volume discount.
-       AT the eleventh hour Brendan Taman FINALLY decided to address the complete and utter lack of depth at Canadian DT. The signed Renaldo Sagesse, Miguel Robede and invited Thunder player Zach Evans to camp. While I’m glad we are bringing in some potential backups the quality is severely lacking. It’s sad when a junior player is legitimately the best option they bring in.

Can’t wait for main camp on Sunday. Have a good weekend.


  1. Not sure how much depth any team has at all position Prophet. Some teams have picked up our castoffs as well.
    Enjoy camp!

  2. Oh I agree and for us Canadian DT is the only real spot where I am concerned. I just wish they would have tried to address the need sooner rather than settling for the leftovers at the last minute.

  3. Oh yea I agree Cheap D3 Goldand for us all Canadian DT may be the sole position wherever I'm troubled. I merely desire they'd possess made an effort to handle the requirement more rapidly as an alternative to compromising for Guild Wars 2 Goldyour areas for the last second.
