Saturday, February 11, 2012

Rider Prophet Trivia Challenges

In my unending pursuit to help you pass the time (since, let's be honest, its not like you have anything better to do) I have come up with a diversion for you.

Think your knowledge of the Riders and the CFL is equal to that of the Prophet? Well here's your chance to prove it with my Rider Prophet Trivia Challenges. Below are links to 3 different quizzes. Take the challenge and feel free to post your scores if you do well... or blatantly lie if you do not.

Name all the Roughrider players to dress for a regular season game in 2011.
(** see how much of last season you have mentally repressed**)

List all 1000 Rushers since 2000 in the CFL

List all 1000 Receivers since 2000 in the CFL

I'll be developing more quizzes to help tide us over to the start of the new season


Anonymous said...

I find your list of receivers to be quite incomplete!

Rider Prophet said...

Yes I have been made aware of some glaring omissions from that list.

It's my fault for trusting the stats on . I'll work on getting things fixed up.

2000 and 2001 are the problems. Every other year is good.

Anonymous said...

Listed here are buy diablo 3 Goldinbound links to three different tests. Grab the challenge along with feel free to publish RS Goldthe scores should you well