Friday, November 4, 2011

Riders vs. Eskimos: Last Call For Miller Time

The 2011 Rider season will mercifully end tonight when they face the Eskimos. As much as i would love to believe that there is one more bit of Miller magic left for us, I highly doubt it.

Edmonton is playing for a chance at first, we are playing for pride. Besides we haven't managed to beat Rikcy Ray yet and now we will have to do it with Sean Lucas, 2 rookies and Patrick playing out of position. Him and Stamps should carve us up. And even if they don't Messam will plough over us repeatedly. Not to mention the fact that we will once again be relying on Ryan Dinwiddie, that always turns out well. We still inexplicably refuse to give Cole a chance. Oh well what can you do?

I just hope we turn in another respectable performance and play with some pride.

Esks by a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Edmonton justguild wars 2 key sucked. Either way it was a fair fight (well aside from Adarius Bowman who accounted Diablo III goldfor over half of the Esks offense).
